Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Georgette Heyer: The Historical Holiday Read

I have loved Georgette Heyer's regency novels since my mum lent me 'Frederica' many years ago (I know most people think I'm only about 25, but I'm considerably older than that!)... that copy of Frederica has long since disintegrated, but no worries, I tracked down another one!!! In fact, with much diligent searching I have tracked down all her regency romances, and most of her other texts excluding the detective novels, which, never being so popular as her regency romances were (at least not since, although they may have been at the time). I could do a bit more research and make this a scholarly entry, but I'm supposed to be on a week's break, hence the Heyer's come out and the brain switches off!! Not managed to get one off the shelf yet, but I will.... and meantime was checking out how far Georgette Heyer appears on the web:

Stephen Fry: Guilty Pleasures (go to around 2:40-3:50)

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